Why Group Purchasing?PAISBOA has strategic partnerships that offer valuable programs, commodities and services to all members. The roots of PAISBOA can be traced back to its beginning, when a group of school business officers realized there were benefits to purchasing health insurance together. The success of their initial efforts led to the creation of additional groups interested in the group purchase of insurance, commodities, services, and energy. Over the years, each of these initiatives has been established using a common philosophy and organizational structure. As a regional Association, PAISBOA strives to take advantage of the personal relationships of its members, which can be characterized by trust and commitment. There is a common understanding that success depends on loyalty, discipline and a sense of responsibility to each other and to the group. Each of the Consortia has its own enrollment criteria and rules of operation in order to assure its effectiveness, and joining is optional. Typically, the operation of each Consortia is administered by a staff member, supported by a team of expert consultants and supervised by a Steering Committee representing participating schools and led by PAISBOA Board members. |